Friday, April 22, 2011

The PBW Tour 2011 - Maximizing YOU - Press release

Contact: Corporate Communications- 800-917-9435 ext 808

The Professional Black Woman™ Maximizing You Tour Positively Impacts More Than 33 Cities

Greenville, SC (April 20, 2011) - The Professional Black Woman™ (The PBW), a personal and professional development organization launch its 33 city plus tour. The purpose of the tour is to promote its mission of providing partnerships, mentorships, resources, and skills needed for business and professional women to increase their bottom line. The admission is complimentary however registration is required for admittance.

The PBW Maximizing You Tour offers opportunities for networking, exchanging of ideas for aspiring and seasoned entrepreneurs, and a venue for successful professional, African-American women to be showcased. The cities included on the tour are: Atlanta, Baltimore, Bethlehem, Birmingham, Buena Vista, Charlotte, Chicago, Cleveland, Dallas, Detroit, Flint, Greensboro, Houston, Huntsville, Indianapolis, Kansas City, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Louisville, Miami, Milwaukee, Mobile, Montclair, Montgomery, New York, Oakland, Philadelphia, Raleigh, St. Croix, Stockton, Suffolk, Toronto, and Washington, DC.

Top experts are taking note of the impact women business owners are making in the market place. Jim Turley, Ernest Young CEO had this to say, “The more women are engaged in business, the better the G.D.P.” Lahle Wolfe of states, “Black women started businesses at three-to-five times the rate of all other new businesses between 2006 and 2009.” “This tour will further enhance our mission of providing quality platforms for professional, African-American women to sharpen their skills, increase their knowledge, and create stronger partnerships,” says Deborah Hardnett, The Professional Black Woman™ Founder & CEO.

For registration, alliance opportunities or more information please visit and/or call 800-917-9435 ext 808.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011