Thursday, June 28, 2012

How To Activate Your Dreams Part 1

There are a few reasons why many people dont see their dreams manifest.  Here's the most common reasons:

1. People believe that success only happens to other people, not them.
2. People believe others who tell them their dream is not possible.
3. People are afraid of either success or failure, or both.
4. The dream is someone else's dream for her or him, not her or hs dreams.
5. People think they are too young or old to activate their dreams.
6. People do not know how to get started.
7. People are comfortably unhappy, and afraid or unwilling to let go.

In order to activate your dreams you must be ready to aggressively take action. Remember this is your dream not what someone else wants for you. So let's talk about how to determine that your dream is really what you want. In my next blog we will talk about how to take actions to make it happen.

You should always do a Vision Check... A vision check is simply check what you are seeing against what you are feeling.

Journal these six statements:

No one else is putting pressure on you to achieve  your dream.
You are willing to figure out how to achieve it, even if you do know where to start.
You wake up and go to sleep eited about what the new day will offer.
Your passion frequently overswhelms you, and you find yourself unable to stop thinking or talking about your dream, even if others roll their eyes and seem uninterested.
Your spare time is occupied with working toward yuor dream
Your dream is not a burden to you. You dont have it make it workhowever, you want it to work.

If all statements are true then your dream is your dream. If you answered false to any of the above statements, you may want to rediscover your dream.

More to come....

Be Empowered
Coach Linda Hillman
Copyright 2012 Destined 2 B U Empowerment Group

Reference: Susan Stark Gallucci, Activate Your Dreams (c) 2005

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