People usually start into Social Media in one of two ways:
1. They have a product already but no social media skills to understand how to market in the new media
2. They start with a blog, no product to sell and just start marketing themselves as a source hoping to one day to actually have a product
Which ever category you may have fallen into, you’ll need to distinguish yourself…YOU and what you stand for…before you’ll see success in social networking. The key word is networking. It is being able to intertwine yourself with others and come together fort he greater good. Whether in business or just trying to make friends. Social networking requires an authentic touch.
Personal branding is now more important than ever in communities. People are buying you. In Other words people are buying the idea of having a relationship with you. If I don’t like you, I’m not going to buy from you, AND telling all my friends what I think of you. Hey depending on how annoyed I get with you I may block you too. BOOM! That’s the power of social networking. We all talk, and word of mouth can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Always keep this in mind too, once it is posted on someone's Facebook page, twitter account, broadcast on YouTube and etc... it's forever.
Do you remember high school? How did the rumors spread so fast? How did groups of people that did not like each other share common knowledge? It was word of mouth. Someone who knew someone else, started talking and it just spread from there.
So whether you are marketing you for a business, event, or just getting out there. You have got to use the social skills you learned in kindergarten to make it happen. Yes, you have to play nice with the other kids. I am still learning this wonderful world of social media but I can say this that it's not rock science if you know how to be polite.
Be Empowered
Coach Linda Hillman
Copyright 2012 Destined 2 B U Empowerment Group
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