I don’t know if you remember the song by Elvis Presley
called “Suspicious minds.” Well the chorus simply says, “We can’t go on
together with suspicious minds. And we can’t build our dreams on suspicious
minds.” So what does that have to do with war for your righteous
mind…Everything. Even though he was talking about a love gone bad, many of us
are trapped in our own snares. We tell ourselves that we can’t do things, that
our dreams are impossible, no one has ever done it before, Who do we think we
are to even attempt such a feat. I believe that is what a suspicious mind looks
like. It puts ideas and thoughts into play that slowly but deliberately eat
away at the hope we have of accomplishing our dreams.
We find ourselves not trusting even our own actions,
suspicious minds. Can you see the war forming even in your own life? What lies
are you telling yourself? What deceit are you forcing your heart to believe?
It’s time you understand. More than a battle is going on in your mind. It’s all
out war. There are two sides, positive and negative. Let me let you in on a
secret, the negative side is winning. Why is that? We have given the negative
more ammunition than the positive side. Once in a while we will win a battle
against a negative thought only to fall prey to its evil scheme all over again.
Is there any help? Absolutely. The bible says that we are to
be transformed by the renewing of our mind (Romans 12:2). This means that if we
allow things to go on as they are, there is no way we can achieve our goals and
aspirations. We have allowed our thoughts to be taken captive. They are
prisoners of war and our dreams are killed in action. It is time we step up and
take responsibility for our thoughts and change how we see our current
Renewing our mind is a daily action that we must take. When
we see ourselves falling prey to negative thoughts, we must remember “I can do
all things through Christ which strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13) More
importantly we must live by the scripture that says, “As a man thinketh in his
heart so is he.” (Proverbs 23:7). How do you get your righteous mind? You have
to renew your mind daily so your life can be transformed and your destiny
realized. Use your mind, free your dreams.
Be Empowered
Coach Linda Hillman
Copyright 2012 Destined 2 B U Empowerment Group
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