Thursday, March 15, 2012

Can Gossip Be Positive?

When you hear the word gossip. What comes to mind. Well, if you are anything like me, you think of the negative, malicious and hateful kind. Malicious gossip can be a powerful and persuasive problem in our lives. Our society seems to thrive on it. there is actually a national effort to stamp it out...called "Words Can Heal" ( Their mission is to promote the value and practice of ethical speech in order to improve our democracy and build mutual respect,honor, and dignity in our country. (or so I have heard :)).

Recently, I took their pledge ( It it worth sharing here. I also took steps to become more actively involved. What I saw when reading up about their organization is words DO have power. More than that we can wield that power to help others. When you go and read their pledge you will see that it underscores how powerful words are and the importance of choosing positive words to express our feelings and opinions about each other. It is very easy to gossip. I should know I have done it a few times myself.

They give a real good tip for helping you to stop negative gossip, Before you say something that may shine a dim light on someone else to bite your tongue. Yes, Literally. Bite your tongue. Your tongue will hurt and it will remind you of the pain you could have cause someone else or your own reputation. The pain from the bite will go away, but you can not take back mean, negative and spiteful words.

So then I ask again, Can gossip be positive? Yes. If you choose to only pass along the good things. If you choose to spread the positive. Let's play the What if game. What if you only said good things about your enemies, What if you began to build up your children instead of tearing them down, What if you told your husband how great he is instead of what he's doing wrong. What if you encouraged your friends and family to be better...What if you started telling yourself how far you come instead of what you cant do? What would the world look like? What would you accomplish in a day?

Let me tell you this secret, it a big task but if you and I do our part we will overcome the negative words in the word. How about it?

Be Empowered
Coach Linda Hillman
Copyright 2012 Destined 2 B U Empowerment Group

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