Friday, March 23, 2012

Never Trust A Stranger!

Many people are more likely to believe what others say about you then they are to believe what you say about yourself. It's a human nature thing. In short, they expect you to provide clear proof of what you've demonstrated before trusting you and allowing a relationship to develop. Many times this can be frustrating, especially to the business owner, new person in the group, etc.

The answer is references. They are needed to "close the deal". I mean you see those commercial about buying a car, we are told to show me the Car-fax. If you ignore this need to be validated by those who have a relationship with you already you will miss out on potentially great relationships. Remember we are conditioned to what to see the "proof in the pudding."

Now this can work both ways, you will have those that sing your praises, they will always see the cup as half full. On the other hand, you will have those that will always see the cup as half empty. This is good for you. Learn from those who speak negative about an encounter with you. Ask yourself how you can make it better the next time it comes up. Learn from your past mistakes and keep it moving. However, you can also learn from those that speak well of you.

In achieving your goals, you must always be growing. Otherwise, your dreams will being to become old news. Keep in mind the Wizard from Oz. Those in Oz had never seen a hot air balloon when he arrived, they assumed he was some great being, but he lived in fear that someone would discover his truth. When the good witch came to speak with Dorothy and her friends, they were told the very things they deemed as negative were actually their strengths. Our dreams to do not require us to change, it requires us to learn and grow. Dig deep inside of us and allow are truth to be known.

Never trust a stranger to tell your story. You tell your truth from a place of inward reflection. those that are lucky enough to be in relationship with you, will see that you have what it takes to go all the way. Don't worry they will spread the news.

Be Empowered
Coach Linda Hillman
Copyright 2012 Destined 2 B U Empowerment Group

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