Wednesday, May 16, 2012

How Do You Spell Relief?

How do you spell relief? Well in the 1970's there was a commercial that was famous. How do you spell relief? R-O-L-A-I-D-S. I can still hear it running in my head, I even believe a few times in school I might have even spelled relief as a spelling word as ROLAIDS. LOL. Well, Now that I have grown up I no longer  spell relief as Rolaids. But I still need to experience relief for the many symptons of stress in my life. So How do you spell relief?

We all experience stress in one form of the other. Our muscles tense, our faces become hard and stern, our bodies get worn out and our minds unravel and fray. What is Stress? Merriam-Webster defines it as a constraining force or influence as a physical, chemical or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension and can lead to the development of specific disease conditions. To put it mildly constant exposure to high levels of stress can be extremely toxic to your system. Being constantly stressed can cause you to be temperamental, ineffective in your work, business and relationships, and not to mention, just plain miserable with your life. So I have research a way to deal with stress and want to share it with you. I came across an acronym and started applying to it my life but I have added another piece part because I believe it enhances the results. 

First you must learn to release. You cannot go to the next level holding on to the things that make you stress. Though the common perception of people towards stress is negative, stress is not totally a negative emotion. In fact, stress is our body's normal response to occurences that are frightening or alarming. You have heard of the Fight or Flight theory? therefore the positive stress can enhance your mental capabilities and increase your alertness to soutions, and other levels of achievement.  So simply release and smile. It will be okay.

Once you have released on the obstacles and distractions of life... follow this:

R-ecognize: You must acknowledge that you re stressed. As I like to say you are a bit tightly wound and you are about to BLOW! Just taking a deep breath will not relieve this stress. You must recognize it it there and then recognize that it needs to be dealt with.

E-xercise: This is a good form to physically diverting your thoughts and attentions to other activity or causing them to take a back burner for a spell. More importantly exercise is a great way to relieve some of the tension and negative vibes that come from stress. You can imagine you are working out the problem as you exercise and with every blow, crunch, sit up etc... the problem is becoming smaller and smaller. 

L-etting Go: Now this is something more than releasing it. It is actually not sweating the small things in life or allowing the big things to cause you worry and fret. Once you release stop and take that deep breath and recognize  that you are stressed, you might have taken a brisk walk to clear your mind, but if you still try to work it out according to your plans or try to control something that will not be controlled. You have not let go. Letting Go is simply, understand what is in and out of your control and accepting it as such. What you can control place in one area. What you can not control place in another setting. Keeping them separated will help you keep stress lower in your life. So when looking at your problems, ask yourself this: Will this matter ten years from now? if the answer is yes... then what can you do about it today? If the answer is no. It's not worth the time you have already given it.

A-ttitude: How you go through life is what life will continue to bring you. In other words if you are negative all the time... then negative things will continue to occur. If you are positive... the the reverse is true. So take a look at your thoughts...what are you thinking and then you will know why you are experiencing negative or positive situations all the time. IF you are more negative than positive...choose to frame your thoughts in a more positive way.

X-tra Sleep (Extra Sleep): Well this is a simple and straight to the point tip. If you are not getting enough sleep, your body will function on the negative side of things. You will be more irritable, irrational, tired and slow to process strategies to avoid obstacles in your life. When your body is telling you it's needs rest, then you need to give it what it is asking for. Your body and your mind need to rest. So don't rest but continue to let your mind work on your problems. Shut down completely and reboot. You will find that you are more alert and can handle more obstacles quickly when you are well rested. Sometimes when I am too stressed I just go to bed and take a nap or go to bed earlier than normal and in the morning or after the nap I am refreshed and new ideas and solutions flow through me.

So, how do you spell relief?

Be Empowered
Coach Linda Hillman
Copyright 2012 Destined 2 B U Empowerment Group

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