Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Let's Be Real They Don't Like You

In the world of social media it is all about the like, know and trust. With hundreds of thousand people pulling on you each day what gets noticed are the post we want to see. Those from the people we know personal and have a vested interest in and those that we have gone to like over a course of weeks, months and sometimes even years.

In my many horrors of trying to learn social media I have made some horrendous mistakes only to find out after the fact that the mistake was made. NOT GOOD. As a business owner I was shooting myself in the foot and not even knowing it. When I stepped back and really looked at the Internet as a place to meet and greet people and make relationships just as valuable as the ones I was cultivating in my real life efforts. I noticed a change in my interactions. People started responding to me and that made me feel good.

One day I ask a friend that had been my friend on several social media platforms why we had not connected before. I mean we had know each other over four years. She said something that really shocked me. She said, "I did not like you back then." I could not respond. I sat there looking at those words that no one wants to hear or read. What I had I done to this woman that she had made such a determination. When I did respond all I could say was "Why" She continued, "You seemed superficial." That was another dagger in my heart. How could I, Coach Linda, be anything other than authentic? What was her real issue. As we talked she cut and paste some of my earlier post from Myspace, Facebook and other sites. My jaw dropped.

If I had been on her end reading the posts that I had put out, I would have not liked myself either. At times I was negative and confrontational, other times I was loving and gushy and then there were the straight sales pitches with no content value or connection at all. So, it was not that my offerings were not good, it was that the people that were reading them did not know me enough to like me and trust was no one on the horizon.

When building relationships, make sure that you keep in mind, be yourself. Those that are suppose to like , know and trust will and those that are not your target will continue to ignore. Ask a friend that you have connected with recently, what are your thoughts about me and what I do... You might find out the truth is they just don't like you.

Be Empowered
Coach Linda Hillman
Copyright 2012 Destined 2 B U Empowerment Group

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