Monday, April 30, 2012

They Want To Know Who You Are

With so many people in the mainstream social media world, how do you set yourself apart from the rest as the one people trust and buy from? It has long been said that people do not buy products from salespeople, they buy YOU…the salesperson. The same is true in relationships. People don't befriend the idea of bonding, they want to truly bond.

People usually start into Social Media in one of two ways:
1.   They have a product already but no social media skills to understand how to market in the new media
2.   They start with a blog, no product to sell and just start marketing themselves as a source hoping to one day to actually have a product
Which ever category you may have fallen into,  you’ll need to distinguish yourself…YOU and what you stand for…before you’ll see success in social networking. The key word is networking. It is being able to intertwine yourself with others and come together fort he greater good. Whether in business or just trying to make friends. Social networking requires an authentic touch.
Personal branding is now more important than ever in communities.  People are buying you. In Other words people are buying the idea of having a relationship with you.  If I don’t like you, I’m not going to buy from you, AND telling all my friends what I think of you. Hey depending on how annoyed I get with you I may block you too. BOOM! That’s the power of social networking.  We all talk, and word of mouth can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Always keep this in mind too, once it is posted on someone's Facebook page, twitter account, broadcast on YouTube and etc... it's forever.
Do you remember high school? How did the rumors spread so fast? How did groups of people that did not like each other share common knowledge? It was word of mouth. Someone who knew someone else, started talking and it just spread from there.
So whether you are marketing you for a business, event, or just getting out there. You have got to use the social skills you learned in kindergarten to make it happen. Yes, you have to play nice with the other kids. I am still learning this wonderful world of social media but I can say this that it's not rock science if you know how to be polite.

Be Empowered 
Coach Linda Hillman 
Copyright 2012 Destined 2 B U Empowerment Group

Friday, April 27, 2012

It's A War For My Righteous Mind

I don’t know if you remember the song by Elvis Presley called “Suspicious minds.” Well the chorus simply says, “We can’t go on together with suspicious minds. And we can’t build our dreams on suspicious minds.” So what does that have to do with war for your righteous mind…Everything. Even though he was talking about a love gone bad, many of us are trapped in our own snares. We tell ourselves that we can’t do things, that our dreams are impossible, no one has ever done it before, Who do we think we are to even attempt such a feat. I believe that is what a suspicious mind looks like. It puts ideas and thoughts into play that slowly but deliberately eat away at the hope we have of accomplishing our dreams.

We find ourselves not trusting even our own actions, suspicious minds. Can you see the war forming even in your own life? What lies are you telling yourself? What deceit are you forcing your heart to believe? It’s time you understand. More than a battle is going on in your mind. It’s all out war. There are two sides, positive and negative. Let me let you in on a secret, the negative side is winning. Why is that? We have given the negative more ammunition than the positive side. Once in a while we will win a battle against a negative thought only to fall prey to its evil scheme all over again.

Is there any help? Absolutely. The bible says that we are to be transformed by the renewing of our mind (Romans 12:2). This means that if we allow things to go on as they are, there is no way we can achieve our goals and aspirations. We have allowed our thoughts to be taken captive. They are prisoners of war and our dreams are killed in action. It is time we step up and take responsibility for our thoughts and change how we see our current situations.

Renewing our mind is a daily action that we must take. When we see ourselves falling prey to negative thoughts, we must remember “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13) More importantly we must live by the scripture that says, “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he.” (Proverbs 23:7). How do you get your righteous mind? You have to renew your mind daily so your life can be transformed and your destiny realized. Use your mind, free your dreams.

Be Empowered
Coach Linda Hillman
Copyright 2012 Destined 2 B U Empowerment Group

Thursday, April 26, 2012

How Come?

Many of us say this phrase after we have come out of a trial or hardship, “What does not take me out, makes me stronger.” We tend to get a sense of empowerment from this statement. The real question here is do we truly believe this statement. Is this just one of those statement that sounds good after a period of stressful situations. What if you are still in the midst of your dilemma, can you say this phrase? Can you claim the triumph even then? Do you ask “Why” me, why did I have to suffer? Do you harbor bitterness and unforgiveness?

You see many of us are so preoccupied with the “WHY” something happen that we may never get to the “HOW COME”. With that said, the question becomes, “How come this occurred and what am I suppose to learn? Exploring this can be daunting, so here are a few tips.

You need to ask yourself what is my pain. A doctor prescribes medication because of the symptoms the patient says they are experiencing. More simply put, when you go to the doctor with a pain in your stomach, you describe it to the doctor and he does an examination. With the information you have given him and what he finds through his examination, he then prescribes a medication regiment that will allow healing to occur. Now, it is understandable that the medication itself does not heal the body but what it does do is cause the pain to subside. In the absence of your discomfort, your body can then heal itself. What a concept, the medical profession has taught us to get rid of the pain so the process of healing can happen. If you ask yourself this question, do not use other words like what is the problem or who is my problem. Stay focused on you. Moving from what is my pain to what is the problem, you are minimizing your discomfort. It is like taking an Advil for a toothache. You may feel okay for a while but eventually the pain is going to come back because you have not dealt with the real issue and no healing is occurring.

Knowing what your pain is will lead to, “Why am I stuck?” Many will try to brush past this. If you have ever had an open wound, you know that it must heal from the inside out. This process can take a while and if you are not careful, the skin will begin to close on the surface but the wound is not total healed underneath. When this occurs, you have to reopen the wound to allow the healing to take place correctly. The same is true for inner healing. You must allow the inside to be healed before it will show on the surface. No facades that will hide the festering boil underneath. Being stuck in a rut and not understanding why things happened, can only lead to repetitious behaviors. These behaviors will keep you living in misery and regret, making one bad decision after another because you have not learned how to avoid it.

This is when you have to define the how come. The “how come” is logical reasoning. The “how come” will bring the change in your behavior you have been looking for. It will help you learn the lesson life was teaching you. For instance, maybe you were in that bad situation because you needed to learn self worth. The “how come” only comes with clarity of vision and after you probe deep inside yourself.

Be Empowered
Coach Linda Hillman
Copyright 2012 Destined 2 B U Empowerment Group

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Woman Healed of Life's Expereicnes

Dr. Susan Jeffers says, “Life is not a struggle but an opportunity”.  I know that there are some that read those words and said, “Yeah right, that is not true for me. I have suffered at the hands of those I love. My life has not presented any opportunities to me. It seems that when I think things could come together, they fall apart.” Well I understand your frustration and want to share a bit of my story with you.

I was raised in a verbally abusive home where I was sexually molested and witnessed domestic violence against my mother. I grew up to be angry and built a wall to protect me from everything. Relationship after relationship failed. One day I realized that the life I was living was just a shadow of what could be.  The pain that seemed to hold me prisoner was of my own doing. I was the one not willing to forgive.  I was the one not moving forward. It was like an epiphany, if I would just rise above my hurt I could see a better way of doing things. That day I made up my choice to surrender to God’s love and let the healing begin. I wanted to be free.  However, I knew that would take some restoration of my inner emotions. I would have to learn how to look at life differently, not using my own reasoning because it was skewed and fragile.

I sought help through counselors and coaches. I began to journal, revisiting that pain and allowing love to overcome me. The process was long but thorough.  I emerged a woman healed of life’s experiences. Healing comes in various forms, now as a Pastor and Transformation Empowerment Coach I help other women realize they too can live above hurt.

The first step can be the hardest however, if you are truly ready for healing to occur in your life then you will allow this step to take place, including removing all negative and unhealthy influences in your life. Many times, it is what we allow in our lives that hinder us the most. I had to deal with the past in order to maintain my present and secure my future.

Be Empowered
Coach Linda Hillman
Copyright 2012 Destined 2 B U Empowerment Group

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Turning Lemons Into Lemonade

Lemons are wonderful citrus fruits in their own right. There are several uses for lemons, however, when we are feeling at odds with the world, we refer to that time as lemons. When it seems that we are feeling surrounded by turmoil that wonderful citrus fresh fruit becomes an acidic lemon--sour, trying times that you just can’t seem to enjoy or digest? We forget that one of the reasons we love lemons is because a refreshing tasty drink called lemonade. We don’t stop to see that an opportunity to turn hard times into learning experiences and chances to grow has presented itself to us.

Maybe it is time to make new choices and take this moment to turn what is sour into something sweet: Change your outlook, surround yourself with love, seek out and find hidden treasures in everyday experiences, get healthier, and, perhaps most importantly, be grateful for anything and everything that comes your way. If life has handed you some lemons, here are a few ideas for turning them into fruits of opportunity filled with potential.

Perseverance: Keep at it! There’s no better way to succeed, and no other way to know whether you can accomplish what you think you can.
Innovation: Redefine the landscape of your field. It can come to you in a moment, but is often the result of a lot of preparation--a miraculous new approach to an old problem.
Caring for Others: In simple, everyday ways and in dramatic, save-the-world ways like developing a new vaccine. If helping people is your focus, you can’t go wrong.
Tackling Challenges: Biting off a little bit more than you think you can chew and pushing through problems as they come.
Resilience: Your response to challenges, and never letting difficulty dull your happiness.
Faith: Knowing in your heart of hearts that this is right.

Be Empowered
Coach Linda Hillman
Copyright 2012 Destined 2 B U Empowerment Group

Monday, April 23, 2012

What Were You Thinking?

Our thoughts matter so much. I means jut think about it any thing that is going to happen is first a thought in our mind. the thought really does count because what you think determines what you become. Your actions are based on your thoughts. So what is the really deal behind what you are thinking?

Most of us tend to be held captive by toxic and damaging thoughts. Rather than focusing our thoughts on positive situations and good vibes, we dig out the wrong, negative and disabling thoughts. We must understand that dangers of toxic thoughts and how you can replace them with the truth of the matter.

The truth is not hard to find but it isn't easy to apply. The reason being we are more readily able to accept the toxic thoughts than the positive. To battle against your toxic thoughts, you must identify and reject them. You have to remember this the battle against your toxic thoughts is not physical. It's spiritual and emotional.

today think about what are some of the toxic thoughts in your life. Write them down and then write a new thought that is positive to combat it.

Be Empowered
Coach Linda Hillman
Copyright 2012 Destined 2 B U Empowerment Group

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Congrats to my Friend Marie, #6 On Amazon's Best Seller List

I just got some great news. My friend Marie Cornelio just released her new ebook - "Sacred Elegant Weddings" on April 18th. I was privileged to partner with her and got an advance copy of the ebook prior to the release date. I was absolutely delighted to write my review. 

Here it is: 

“This collection of wedding readings, prayers, poems quotes and vows are just want the wedding planner ordered. As a retired wedding planner, I have seen brides and grooms struggle with what to say as they write their pledge to love, honor and cherish one another.  This would have been a must in my collection of tips, helps and suggestions.  If you can’t find the words to say, Marie has them right here at your fingertips. This ebook inspires love and the spirit of marriage. This is a must for every wedding planner, bride or groom.  Here’s to our love.”

Here is more about Marie and her wonderful book.

Sacred Elegant Weddings-A Beautiful Collection of Wedding Reading, Poems, Prayers, Quotes & Vows.  Is a beautiful collection of  readings, poems, prayers quotes and vows  for all marriage celebrations. Finding the right words about love for a wedding or anniversary can be difficult. Her book helps eliminate the daunting task of searching hundreds of websites in search of the right words. In Sacred Elegant Wedding, Marie Cornelio has written and captured the true essences of love. She has also collected perfect selections for the bride, groom, members of the wedding party, and other family and friends to share. From verses and vows to readings and quotes, the sentiments of Sacred Elegant Weddings will help make any marriage celebration more loving and memorable. 

Filled with inspiration and timeless words by renowned writers such as William Shakespeare and the Persian poet Rumi. This spiritual, multi-faith book offers true gems suitable for all aspects of weddings, anniversaries,  vows, and vow-renewal ceremonies.

Sacred Elegant Wedding is a wonderful gift for the bride-to-be and others celebrating the union of marriage. Order today on Amazon

Once again congrats to Marie for realizing her dreams and making it happen.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Your Role Vs Role Playing

Don't confuse your role in destiny as a role that you play in life. This is not a role-playing assignment. This is the defining nature of who you are and why you are here. So what is the difference. Let me explain it this way.

Role-playing allows you to take a look at different scenarios. You get to see how it would look as others would see it. Role-playing gets you on the hot seat with others watching your techniques and taking notes on how they can be better, or snickering at how bad you are doing. Role playing shows how you are representing who you say you are to others and it's your way of convincing yourself that this is how the world sees you. For the most part role playing is good in a classroom setting but it is not very helpful in life.

Your role in your own destiny is very important. If you don't show up strong and know exactly how to make it work, your will set yourself up for a hard knock on the noggin. In role Playing you can get a do-over. In life, well let's just say you only get one shot.

Look at it this way, in role-playing you get to be what you think is expected of you, what you imagine would be the best scenario outcome in any given situation. In Your real life role, you don't get to know what the variables are, you don't get to know the end result and the best techniques to use to get it done. You have to know who you are and be ready to take whatever comes your way head on.

So remember, it's good to know how to role-play but it's better to understand your role and be willing to be the best you can be at all times.

Be Empowered
Coach Linda Hillman
Copyright 2012 Destined 2 B U Empowerment Group

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Start Where You Are And Have A Plan In Mind

Many people ask me, "Why transformation coaching?" My answer is simple and not so simple. So I will try to explain it this way. Transformation coaching to me is something so much more than just a change in thoughts. It's more than just a change in actions. It's a life shift. However, you can not shift properly until you understand where you are right now, how you got there and why you must change now.

Now this may sound simple enough, however, we are creatures of habits. Many times we are are worst enemy. We will self sabotage and are really proud to do so. Many may be saying no this is not true... So let's look at it this way. When was the last time you tried to stop smoking? When was the last time you tried to change your hairstyle? Change your eating habits? I mean just think about it, have you ever tried to get up earlier to go workout? or stop drinking soda? What happened. Or better yet, did you make that change overnight or without difficulty. Nine times out of ten, the answer is no. You had to work at it. Maybe, you were able to make a change for a few days, weeks but eventually you found yourself drifting right back to your old habit. Once you recognized this, you did one or two things. You started again or you gave up.

The one thing that I know is true, we have a remarkable sense of WANT. We know what we want and many times we understand what it will take to get what we want. the problem is... we just don't want to do what it takes. On the other hand, we will go after what we want and lose sight of what we need. this is a recipe for failure. Now failure is a good thing, IF we learn from it and we don't allow it to stop us. there is a failure that I call stupidity failure. this failure causes us to become insane. You know, do the same things over and over again expecting different results, because as quiet as it is kept, we are good at it. So there is a sense of I am successful at getting this result, why would I want to change and get something different.

I know, no one will admit this. No one will say that they are comfortable settling for less than what they truly want but we do it all day long. We hear there might be a better way and we invest in this new better way but we do it the same way we did the last strategy and we get the same results and then we blame the new strategy and say it did not work for us. We are satisfied. Let' s just be real, for a moment. It's okay... recognizing that you may have this stupidity failure at some level is a start. Now you are ready for real transformation.

Listen, we are all uniquely made to be successful and to achieve greatness. It must start with understanding that who we are today, is setting us up for who we will become tomorrow. We must make plans now to make our future exactly what it should be by learning how to deal with the here and now. transformation coaching, helps you see what the picture of your life looks like now and how you can make the necessary changes that will transform your thoughts, actions and your future. transformation can not take place without a plan. A plan to be WHO you were created to be and to rewire your life to make the right decisions to keep you moving forward. When you are transformed you are not the same, nothing about you is the same their my be slight traces of who you were before the transformation but it is clear to you and those around you that you are no longer that person.

So there, that is why transformation coaching is my passion and why I have decided to not only help others transform but to continue my own transformation. Will you join me?

Be Empowered
Coach Linda Hillman
Copyright 2012 Destined 2 B U Empowerment Group

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Pain Is Good For Causing Change

Today, I am chewing the cud, as the saying goes. I am reflecting on a message I heard on March 25, 2012. I was at a women's day service and my friend Overseer Renee Winston was the main speaker. Her Message was to inspire the women and men there to be sanctified and whole. I found many life principles in what she was saying. Not only could these principles be applied to my spiritual journey but I could see how my business could benefit from it too. So I share with you what I learn for life, business and my spiritual well being.

Now many of you may think this will not apply to you, however, I assure you, don't miss this one. Life principles are like laws. It does not matter if you believe them or not they are true and they will affect you. So please feel free to take some note.  My disclaimer in all fairness I will refer to the bible and scriptures used in this message and I may use some Christian terms, but don't let that stop you from seeing the logic behind it.

So my reflection is this. She spoke about Jacob. Jacob was the third person in the Patriarch for the Hebrews and Christians alike. We have heard people refer to the statement The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. However, Jacob's name was "he who supplants". In other words, he was a deceiver. A bit of history, he was born holding on the heel of his twin brother Esau. He bribed Esau out of his birthright and with the help of his mother, he stole the blessing that should have gone to Esau because he was the oldest. Esau sought to kill him for this. He fled for his life. Now in Genesis 32:24-26 We find Jacob on his way back to his home land with a family and the living he had made while away. to know more about Jacob and his life you can read about him in Genesis beginning at the 25th chapter to see all that he did.

Now he is returning and He knows the Esau will want to kill him and he is afraid. He goes to pray and during this time a man comes. That is where Genesis 32:25-26 picks up. So Jacob wrestles with this man and the famous saying, "I will not let thee go, except thou bless me."  (Finish thought)

Now here's what I learned and why I think it is important to share with you today. Jacob was wrestling with this man. We know it to be an angel but he did not know that at the time. I'm sure, Jacob just knew I have to fight for what it is that I want. I want my family to be safe, I want to live, I want to enjoy all that I have created for myself in peace. I am not sure what this man has to do with it but I am not willing to give up until I have accomplished my goal.

So here it:

1. Jacob had dreams and desires. From the beginning of his life he was always trying to get ahead. He did this "by any means necessary." He did not see stealing, cheating, deceiving as a bad thing. However, even though he went through some tough situations, Jacob began to see that he needed to be focused and have some direction in his life. If we are not focused on what we want we will accept anything that comes our way. Jacob was deceived by his future father in law when it came to marry his wife. however, Jacob demanded that he marry Rachel. She was who he wanted. What have you made a demand for. What are you telling life to surrender to you because you have worked for it. You paid your dues, now you want your reward.

2.  As he began to have a family, he understood that he needed to reconnect with his own family and teach them the ways of his culture. Heading back home, he realized that he would have to make some things right before he could move forward. Many times in life we forget to go back and rebuild our foundation. We have cracks from bad decisions and mistakes made but we plow right ahead with no understanding of how they will affect us in the future. Even a house will fall on a bad foundation if it is not repaired.

3. Now faced with a huge decision that could cause Jacob his life. He chooses to seek wisdom and guidance from the source that knows all. He prays and while he is praying a man interrupts him. Jacob begins to wrestle with this man,  not for a minute or two but all night long. It is interesting that My friend Renee said that he had to wrestle with himself, his pride, his worry, his doubt, his will, his fear etc.. this had to be worked out so He could repair the foundation and continue on the path to becoming the third person in the patriarch. Sometimes who we are today, is not who we are to be tomorrow. Our thoughts, our behaviors, our actions have to change in order for us to be who we are created to be. To walk in our destiny and do it with purpose. this was true for Jacob, and it is true for you and me.

4. The man seeing that daybreak is coming and he needs to leave, touches the hallow of Jacob's thigh. This caused  Jacob excruciating pain, however, Jacob does not let the man go. This is where the famous statement comes in. He held the man captive if you will. He knew that I need a way out of my situation and you must be here to help me. So here's the deal,  in spite of what you are faced with today, if you wrestle with your fears, your doubts, your negative thoughts... you will start to see more clearer. the answer you have been waiting for will reveal itself to you. We are are worst enemy when it comes to accomplishing our goals. It is our beliefs that we cant do it that hinder us from attaining the reward we seek. Be like Jacob and not allow anyone even yourself stop you from achieving your destiny. It's important to note that midst the hard times you may be facing, this is just a pit stop for you. this is not where you will end up.

5. When the man sees his determination, he then does what Jacob has asked, He blesses him for his efforts. He changes Jacob's name from "one who supplants" (Jacob) to "one who God judges" (Israel). There is another translation of the name Israel to mean the one who struggles with god and prevails and God strives or perseveres. If you look at any of these meaning you get the picture. You must struggle with your own will to overcome and understand the destiny that lies ahead of you. The point being that this is not where things ends for you. you must push passed the pain of the current situation, the frustration of the unknown, the negative thoughts and preserve to your destiny. Jacob could not be known after this as the same ole guy. He needed to not only change his name but his actions. He was becoming someone who would shape a nation. He could no longer think of himself.

So in conclusion, what does all this mean to you. Your dreams, desires, plans, and aspiration have a right to live. however, you may go through some life changes before you can see the good  of the land. Just keep telling yourself, I will not let go until I am blessed with the knowledge of how to bring it about. It may mean changing what you call your life's journey. It may be changing who you are today to be suit who you will become tomorrow. Whatever it may require of you, be willing to struggle through the pain and understand that you will never be the same but your purpose will carry you to your destiny.

Be Empowered
Coach Linda Hillman
Copyright 2012 Destined 2 B U Empowerment Group

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

How To Set Up Core Values

Many clients come to me and they are lost. They have no direction or they have just had some major things happen in life and now they are rattled. they need to feel significant and in touch with themselves. They want to accomplish some great things but they are afraid to make it happen.

Here's what I do for them when this is the case.  I ask them. Where do you want to be in five years? once i get their answer, I ask where do you feel you are right now? It never fails that there is a gap between where they are not and where they want to be in five years.  I continue with other questions to get them talking about the pain of their current situation, why they believe they are stuck an what they will do to get unstuck. the simple answer is they have to define their core values.

So here's a simple exercise to help you, You will need about 20 minutes to do this exercise to really benefit from it.

  • Look at list of values. I have a list that I can email you if you need some guidance on what the list should look like. It can be daunting to come up with your own list, especially since many values can seem abstract. I would say look for list that can provide you with options you may have not considered. These list should resonate in your heart and define your lifestyle. Once you find your list or lists, you want to choose as many values as you deem necessary there is no limit. they should be ones you embrace and emulate currently. We are not looking to the future on this exercise. Just the present and they should not be based on things you use to embrace. 
  • Brainstorm a list of potential values.  now it is time to narrow down the values you have selected. No worries, we are getting to the core values, remember? So that means we have to start chipping away at the fluff. So look at the values you have selected. Start to really think about the people in your life and you interact with. These are the people that will be affected the most by your core values. For example: being a mom, wife, teacher, leader, friend, sister, mentor, business owner, employee, manager etc.. these relationships will be defined by your core values. How do you spend your time? Look through your checkbook what do you spend your money on? What are your favorite activities to do?
  • Take a deep breath, you are doing great. No matter how many values are still on your page after chipping away some of the fluff, you still have some more chipping to do. I want to choose only ten core values that just seem to resonate with you more than the others. this will be hardest part and many of clients are grateful to do this segment with me. Sometimes it's hard to decide, but you must ask the hard questions at this point. Simply, do I really hold this close to my heart and use it to guide me in my decision making process? Also ask yourself; Does this define how I spend my money? Does it define how I sped my time? Does it define how I interact with others? Does it define where I will work, go to school or go to church? These questions can be helpful too. I also suggest that if you need more time for this segment of the exercise take it. Ask family and friends to help you by sharing what they think you value.
  • Now that you have the ten core values, you are going to define each one.  Use a dictionary if needed, but I say write a definition that speaks to your soul. In other words, how will you know that that core value is defining your actions. What will it look like to you and to those around you.
  • Last, you are going to prioritize your core values. Now this is really where the rubber meets the road. If you have done the above then you have ten core values that all tug and pull on your heart strings. They all cause you to want to be a better you, to connect with your inner self. To smile from within. they all have significant meaning to you. However, all that said, still some values will be more important to you than others. It is important for you to understand which one you hold in higher regard than the next. This will come into play when you have a tough decision to make about spending money, time, energy as well as help you work through conflicts.  Once you have prioritized all ten, notice and commit to the top 3-5 values. 
For more help on core values, contact me at 209-910-4055 or set up a strategy session. 

Be Empowered
Coach Linda Hillman
Copyright 2012 Destined 2 B U Empowerment Group

Monday, April 2, 2012

Get Focused Now, Stop playing with your Future!

Okay, we are now in April. Many of us have set up New Year Resolutions and many of us are not even on the path to seeing them resolved. Well, enough is enough. Here's an exercise that I came across on that I thought I would share. Now I must admit, you can just read this blog and still be in the same position you are in now, or you can read, do the exercise, and make a change now. It's up to you.

Many people feel they don't need someone telling them to accomplish their goals but they complain when things are not happening. Shame on you. Take it from me, you got to do something. So this exercise will help you start now making tomorrow a better day. It's time you get focused.

Here's the exercise:

You will need a pen, three sheets of paper, and a quiet place. Ready?

1. On a clean sheet of paper draw a circle in the middle on the page. This circle should be big enough to write the word ME in the middle of it. WordPress says draw a stick figure. Either way is okay. Once you have done that just start writing whatever comes to your mind when you think about your future. That's right any and everything that comes to your mind. DON'T restrict it in any way. Give yourself only sixty seconds to do this. Ready, Set, GO!

2. Now, get another sheet of clean paper, draw the same circle or stick figure. On this sheet of paper you are going to write the things you are passionate about when it comes to your future. Here you are going to consider your obsessions, natural talents, knowledge base, experiences, skills, Things that get you out of the bed in the morning, things you smile about, things you love, things you promised yourself, things that keep you up at night, favorite quotes, websites, TV shows, personalities, and YES, those New Year's resolutions still at bay, You are writing down the things you find yourself gravitating to time and time again. Most importantly the things you would do even if you did not get paid to them. Got it? Good, Again only give yourself 60 seconds. So, Ready, Set, GO!

3. On the last sheet of clean paper, you are going to list all that things that came to mind on the first sheet. I would say do this in a table like format. Meaning across the page make a column for each one. then next you are going to look at your second page and start to categorize the things you are passionate about under the correct column. Give yourself 120 seconds for this next part. Based on the columns that have formed, you are going to set some goals to accomplish in the next 30 days. Ready, Set, GO!

Now you should see patterns beginning to develop, you should start to see things clearer. If not, here's the next step, you need to revisit your core values and set up a life plan for your life. In my next blog I will talk more about this. It's time you stop playing with the idea of being a person of purpose and do something about it. Get focused today.

Be Empowered
Coach Linda Hillman
Copyright 2012 Destined 2 B U Empowerment Group