Friday, October 21, 2011

Are you Ready To Make Some Money

With the holidays coming up soon, many will be looking to shop online and or to get value for less.  All that said they are looking for great gifts and ways to make life better. However, many are looking for quick fixes that will not allow them to experience true joy. they are looking for a solution but truly understanding what they are looking for. They have tried so many things that did not seemingly work for their circumstances and their situations. They have questions, I have answers.

So where do you fit into all of this. Well, I am glad that you asked the question. Many of you are exactly where I previous described or you are frustrated with the transitions in your life. May be recently you have had a life change (divorce, laid off your job, added a child to the family, entered a marriage, went back to school etc) or maybe you are re-evaluating your life and wanting to make an impact but just don't know how. You lack the drive and passion you need to fulfill your dreams and passion is frizzing out quickly. As stated you have questions, I have have answers!

On the other hand you are needing to make some fast cash. the holidays are approaching and your would love to not have to worry about those after sale blues. Well again, you have questions, I have answers. So let me explain how I can help you.

In the first situation, I have coaching programs and services that will help you understand where you are in life and then give you clarity on where you want to go and explain how you can get there quickly. We focus on the benefits and results you will experience and the process just seems to make sense. You can go to and get more information on my coaching services and go to for the products I offer.

In addition, if you are tight on money and need a easy way to make money without adding hours of work or an additional job, you can become an affiliate for me. What this looks like for you...

You will start to promote my website, products and services. You can go to My Affiliate Program Link to start earning money now. You put this link in your online newsletters, on your website, in your email signature and anywhere you think it will get seen. Now remember if you are going to reap the benefits of the program you got to post it everywhere and make it attractive so people will click on the link. once they purchase any of the products and or services you will get a WHOPPING 50%. Yes you read it right 50% of the purchase. Many of my affiliates, target my ideal clients and walk them through the process. These are your family, friends, co-workers and sometimes enemies :) so you know exactly what they need because they talk to you and even more importantly they trust you. So why not, sign up today and start earning cash to make this holiday season a better one. See you at the top.

Don't forget to get yours, why not make 2012 the best year ever!

Be Empowered,

Coach Linda Hillman 
Copyright 2011 Destined 2 B U Empowerment Group