Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Turning Lemons Into Lemonade

Lemons are wonderful citrus fruits in their own right. There are several uses for lemons, however, when we are feeling at odds with the world, we refer to that time as lemons. When it seems that we are feeling surrounded by turmoil that wonderful citrus fresh fruit becomes an acidic lemon--sour, trying times that you just can’t seem to enjoy or digest? We forget that one of the reasons we love lemons is because a refreshing tasty drink called lemonade. We don’t stop to see that an opportunity to turn hard times into learning experiences and chances to grow has presented itself to us.

Maybe it is time to make new choices and take this moment to turn what is sour into something sweet: Change your outlook, surround yourself with love, seek out and find hidden treasures in everyday experiences, get healthier, and, perhaps most importantly, be grateful for anything and everything that comes your way. If life has handed you some lemons, here are a few ideas for turning them into fruits of opportunity filled with potential.

Perseverance: Keep at it! There’s no better way to succeed, and no other way to know whether you can accomplish what you think you can.
Innovation: Redefine the landscape of your field. It can come to you in a moment, but is often the result of a lot of preparation--a miraculous new approach to an old problem.
Caring for Others: In simple, everyday ways and in dramatic, save-the-world ways like developing a new vaccine. If helping people is your focus, you can’t go wrong.
Tackling Challenges: Biting off a little bit more than you think you can chew and pushing through problems as they come.
Resilience: Your response to challenges, and never letting difficulty dull your happiness.
Faith: Knowing in your heart of hearts that this is right.

Be Empowered
Coach Linda Hillman
Copyright 2012 Destined 2 B U Empowerment Group

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