Now many of you may think this will not apply to you, however, I assure you, don't miss this one. Life principles are like laws. It does not matter if you believe them or not they are true and they will affect you. So please feel free to take some note. My disclaimer in all fairness I will refer to the bible and scriptures used in this message and I may use some Christian terms, but don't let that stop you from seeing the logic behind it.
So my reflection is this. She spoke about Jacob. Jacob was the third person in the Patriarch for the Hebrews and Christians alike. We have heard people refer to the statement The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. However, Jacob's name was "he who supplants". In other words, he was a deceiver. A bit of history, he was born holding on the heel of his twin brother Esau. He bribed Esau out of his birthright and with the help of his mother, he stole the blessing that should have gone to Esau because he was the oldest. Esau sought to kill him for this. He fled for his life. Now in Genesis 32:24-26 We find Jacob on his way back to his home land with a family and the living he had made while away. to know more about Jacob and his life you can read about him in Genesis beginning at the 25th chapter to see all that he did.
Now he is returning and He knows the Esau will want to kill him and he is afraid. He goes to pray and during this time a man comes. That is where Genesis 32:25-26 picks up. So Jacob wrestles with this man and the famous saying, "I will not let thee go, except thou bless me." (Finish thought)
Now here's what I learned and why I think it is important to share with you today. Jacob was wrestling with this man. We know it to be an angel but he did not know that at the time. I'm sure, Jacob just knew I have to fight for what it is that I want. I want my family to be safe, I want to live, I want to enjoy all that I have created for myself in peace. I am not sure what this man has to do with it but I am not willing to give up until I have accomplished my goal.
So here it:
1. Jacob had dreams and desires. From the beginning of his life he was always trying to get ahead. He did this "by any means necessary." He did not see stealing, cheating, deceiving as a bad thing. However, even though he went through some tough situations, Jacob began to see that he needed to be focused and have some direction in his life. If we are not focused on what we want we will accept anything that comes our way. Jacob was deceived by his future father in law when it came to marry his wife. however, Jacob demanded that he marry Rachel. She was who he wanted. What have you made a demand for. What are you telling life to surrender to you because you have worked for it. You paid your dues, now you want your reward.
2. As he began to have a family, he understood that he needed to reconnect with his own family and teach them the ways of his culture. Heading back home, he realized that he would have to make some things right before he could move forward. Many times in life we forget to go back and rebuild our foundation. We have cracks from bad decisions and mistakes made but we plow right ahead with no understanding of how they will affect us in the future. Even a house will fall on a bad foundation if it is not repaired.
3. Now faced with a huge decision that could cause Jacob his life. He chooses to seek wisdom and guidance from the source that knows all. He prays and while he is praying a man interrupts him. Jacob begins to wrestle with this man, not for a minute or two but all night long. It is interesting that My friend Renee said that he had to wrestle with himself, his pride, his worry, his doubt, his will, his fear etc.. this had to be worked out so He could repair the foundation and continue on the path to becoming the third person in the patriarch. Sometimes who we are today, is not who we are to be tomorrow. Our thoughts, our behaviors, our actions have to change in order for us to be who we are created to be. To walk in our destiny and do it with purpose. this was true for Jacob, and it is true for you and me.
4. The man seeing that daybreak is coming and he needs to leave, touches the hallow of Jacob's thigh. This caused Jacob excruciating pain, however, Jacob does not let the man go. This is where the famous statement comes in. He held the man captive if you will. He knew that I need a way out of my situation and you must be here to help me. So here's the deal, in spite of what you are faced with today, if you wrestle with your fears, your doubts, your negative thoughts... you will start to see more clearer. the answer you have been waiting for will reveal itself to you. We are are worst enemy when it comes to accomplishing our goals. It is our beliefs that we cant do it that hinder us from attaining the reward we seek. Be like Jacob and not allow anyone even yourself stop you from achieving your destiny. It's important to note that midst the hard times you may be facing, this is just a pit stop for you. this is not where you will end up.
5. When the man sees his determination, he then does what Jacob has asked, He blesses him for his efforts. He changes Jacob's name from "one who supplants" (Jacob) to "one who God judges" (Israel). There is another translation of the name Israel to mean the one who struggles with god and prevails and God strives or perseveres. If you look at any of these meaning you get the picture. You must struggle with your own will to overcome and understand the destiny that lies ahead of you. The point being that this is not where things ends for you. you must push passed the pain of the current situation, the frustration of the unknown, the negative thoughts and preserve to your destiny. Jacob could not be known after this as the same ole guy. He needed to not only change his name but his actions. He was becoming someone who would shape a nation. He could no longer think of himself.
So in conclusion, what does all this mean to you. Your dreams, desires, plans, and aspiration have a right to live. however, you may go through some life changes before you can see the good of the land. Just keep telling yourself, I will not let go until I am blessed with the knowledge of how to bring it about. It may mean changing what you call your life's journey. It may be changing who you are today to be suit who you will become tomorrow. Whatever it may require of you, be willing to struggle through the pain and understand that you will never be the same but your purpose will carry you to your destiny.
Be Empowered
Coach Linda Hillman
Copyright 2012 Destined 2 B U Empowerment Group
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