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Attention: Do you Desire to Live A Fearless Life and Live Your Dreams Successfully?
Tele-seminars begins Monday, March 26, 2012 @ 5PM PST
Each Seminar will be on the Fourth Monday of the Month ending July 23, 2012. All seminars are @ 5PM PST
Do you SUFFER From:
- Fear of Rejection
- Fear of Failure
- Fear of Committment
- Fear of Intimacy
- Fear of Success
Suffering from these common fears, can aid in your missing out on the true pleasures and successes life has to offer you. You become stuck and dissatified. You must realize this:
"Love is what we were born with. Fear is waht we learned here."
-Marianne Williamson

I am no stranger to life's up and downs, wanting to feel significant and make a contribution to the bigger picture, yet not able to find my way. I sought after a life with meaning. I was making a good salary, had a nice car, all the nice clothes and name brand shoes and purses a lady could ever want. I had friends and family that a young woman with a bright future needed surrounding her.
However, there was something missing!
Let me tell you, I have seen life's worse moments too, being homeless, jobless and trying to make ends meet with a plan that was going no where fast and things seemed to get worse and no improvement was insight. I had dreams but at the rate I was going, there was no way I would ever see the realization of them. I was frustrated and beat up to say the least. I knew what it meant to have what you want and I was not willing to settle for less, but less was all I seemed to be getting. Sound familiar?
It was not until I dealt with the real issues in my life that the good, the bad and the indifferent started making sense to me. I realized that achieving your dreams and seeing them manifest is possible. You can have a meaningful life and be all you are created to be. There is no secret, it actually right in our face when you really think about it. Listen whether you like your current lifestyle or you are searching for that place you belong, If you truly feel there is more for you than the normal run of the mill, I can help you see the path to real change and satisfaction.
Here's what you will get from this series:
- How to use fear to your advantage
- How to face your fears and overcome them
- How to manifest your dreams despite your current situation
- Why you should live your dreams now
- Understanding the cost of your dream
- Effective ways to plan your life
- Time management
- Gaining the benefits of your dreams NOW
- Strategies and techniques that will transform your life
Isnt it time you did something that will affect your life now?
Why wait, Do it Today!
Just register Today for the Series of Seminars or for the one you feel is needed most. After you have register you will recieve all the information you need to participate in this life changing series. If you are unable to be there live on the calls, no worries, Still register for the series and get access to the recording within 24 hours of the calls. It is just that simple to change your life!
Let the Journey Begin!
To Register go to
Be Empowered
Coach Linda Hillman
Copyright 2012 Destined 2 B U Empowerment Group
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