Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Be Careful Whom You Trust

Have you ever been in a position where you believe that all those in your circle of influence like you? You do what you are told and you generate fantastic results. You get along with everyone including those that over you, (i.e. bosses, spouse, siblings, parents, etc...)

Then one day you speak about a management practice you do not agree with or you say something about your spouse that does not paint them in the best light. You and your friends are having a nice conversation about life and it just bubbles to the surface. You are among friends and you are just venting. Maybe like so many, you write it on a post on Facebook or Twitter. You might even blog about it. This is when everything changes. Suddenly, you are called in on the carpet. Your manager or spouse is confronting you about something you said and they are not pleased at all. Now it's brought to your attention in an ugly and spiteful way. Everything you said has been twisted, contorted and just plain misunderstood. Maybe they take out a list of things you said and when you said them. You realize someone has been keeping track of your venting, your blowing off steam and has given a full report to them. Who could have disliked you this much. Who could be so full of hate to twist your words and meaning like this? Who could stab you in the back this way?

Many times you will not find out who did, or you will find out but their true motives will be masked in the anger in their eyes. You are hurt and now your relationship is strained. You are full of regret and remorse. Which ever it is, learn the bigger lesson here. Keep your mouth shut. Whether it is in life with your intimate relationships, or in business...big mouths don't get ahead. A moment of venting can cause a storm in a relationship that could have just been water under the bridge.

We all have times that we want to speak about a situation or give a piece of our mind to someone. but i say keep your righteous mind and hold you tongue. Somethings are left better unsaid.

Be Empowered
Coach Linda Hillman
Copyright 2012 Destined 2 B U Empowerment Group

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