Friday, March 16, 2012

Read The Room (Rules Of The Game)

Don't be naive and think you can e above the politics in your life. No matter if it is on the job or in the family. Whether you want to participate or not, they are happening, so know the rules of the game and be prepared. When you are new to the group, just got promoted or planning the family reunion, even if your are the leader, it is essential to pay attention to the culture in the place. How do people communicate with each other? Do they do a lot of one on one in person, via email. phone etc? Do they have formal meetings or traditions they uphold? Do they just kind of get together at the spare of a moment? Do they argue and challenge one another or do they sit and peaceful come to their conclusion? Do they speak freely in public or kind of say things under their breath?

When you first arrive to a new workplace, a meeting, or visit a client, do more listening than talking for as long as possible. See, if people in the group are blogging - you may can pick up clues from their blogs. the easiest way to get off on the wrong foot is to inadvertently offend the new group. Take your cues from them and act accordingly. Are they serious? Do they sit with their hands folded? Do they raise their hands to speak? Do they tend to relax after the initial 15 minutes? What is the room telling you?

Be very aware of cultural differences, especially if you've recently relocated. Occasionally you'll get lucky and figure out the politics straightaway. Other times they may be a bit more hidden and mysterious. It can take 1 meeting or several months to get the true picture of the group. However, reading the room when it comes to your clients, co-workers, church, or any other group will allow you to move forward easier.

Now here's a tip for those who may not be in leadership. If you start with a new job and or a new group and you notice their is a negative vibe always. Since you do not have the authority to change that culture, it may be best to look for a new position somewhere else immediately. Remember bad communications can corrupt even the best of us. You don't want to lose yourself in the midst of moving a head.

Be Empowered
Coach Linda Hillman
Copyright 2012 Destined 2 B U Empowerment Group

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